11 Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Ways to Cultivate Self Love

11 Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Cultivating self-love is one of the most important and difficult things in our lives. Loving yourself as you are is just likely being your favorite person. But most of the time we can’t do that just because of a few things or the person with whom we don’t like the way we are or simply we don’t know the ways to cultivate Self-love. They want us to change for their happiness but that does not fair to anyone, but the worst is that we allow them to do that just because we love them more than ourselves.

Go on, search for your answer about do you love yourself, if you have a positive answer about it then that’s a great thing. But if you are having a negative answer about it then you need to learn and understand the value of self-love.

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Look in the mirror but not happy with the person who is in the mirror and we aren’t able to love ourselves because we aren’t what we want to be. Thinking about the past life and the worst things that happened in that time because of some mistakes and yet blaming oneself for the burden of regret in today’s life.

Not being able to feel confident in yourself because of the sad past yet gives a big regret for not being able to make a perfect decision about your own life. Because you don’t want to suffer anymore as you are doing today but yet you aren’t able to love yourself.

Losing self-love is the biggest regret and having regret about the past mistake is okay but blaming yourself for it is worse. Everyone makes mistakes but not being able to be confident in your self decisions makes you more weak. Not happy with your skin color or the body structure you have.

1. Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Loving yourself in the first place is not a selfish thing but it’s a selfless thing that will make you more valuable. Learning about it is never a thing about ego but it’s about increasing self ego. It will make you feel happy away from the burden of regrets and mistakes. It will help you in accepting yourself in the way you not just forcing yourself to change or adjust as others want you.

1.1 No negative talk about yourself

Talking about the bad, negative things about you will make you feel down and low, it makes you realize that you aren’t capable of anything. Because of these negatives, we became the worst enemy of our own self which allows us to become the prisoner of the self-made prison in our minds. But the most important thing is being free from it and this is possible at any time whenever you want it to happen. Our thoughts have the power of giving us multiple directions at a time but what is needed is the right motivation and direction tools to step up in the right way. Remember self-talk works as the fuel to the fire it fuels up to the fire of your thoughts.

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

So change your negative self-talk to positive self-talk that will allow you to grow more even and will make you remember that loving yourself first had worked as a miracle for you.

1.2 Positive affirmation

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Affirmation will help you pay self- compliments and build authentic self-love which needs to be learned by all of us. We need to be able to enhance our strength and goodness and that’s also without anyone’s allowance and approval which allows us and makes us self fearless and positive. Affirmation helps us in boosting self-esteem and gives a calm and gentle introduction to self-love.

1.3 Self compassion

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

One of the most important and best ways to grow the self-love of a person is through the self-compassion act. The only way by which anyone can love oneself is by removing all the deny and forgiving themselves for being a person. As none of us is struggling alone in the world everyone is struggling for some or the other things but allowing self-compassion will help us.

1.4 Grateful about own self

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Living gratefully brings more joy into our lives. It makes us feel happy and grateful for what we have and also about ourselves makes us feel more confident. Gratitude is a lot more than positive affirmation and positive self-talk. Gratitude is the best way by which you can experience the world and the opportunities present in the world. Gratitude makes our hearts joyful and grateful. A grateful heart makes our life happier and brings us a lot of confidence.

1.5 Keep smiling

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

A smiling face puts up a smile on many sad faces but just looking at them. Your smile shows that you are a strong and brave one who’s not afraid of any situation because you trust yourself and you also have that. Smiling also makes you feel even happier and changes your mood.

1.6 Remove social challenges

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Social life influences us in many ways and has a powerful impact on our lives. Offensively we start parroting some of the things that we have heard from others or saw in the marketing of different things because of which we sometimes evenly start doubting our real feelings and opinions. Some social influences that we experience can be negative and positive and it could be about different things like body figure, skin color, or career. What’s important is the impact that we allow it to have on us. As our family and friends are all a part of a society and they are being pushed by them for different standards and things some of them can be unrealistic things also.

1.7 Being in the company of goodness and gratefulness

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Being in the company of goodness and gratefulness means being with the people who can make you feel happy and positive. Who can make you realize that you are a lucky person who has so much happiness and good things in your life? Being with good and positive people will make you feel more positive and happy. Removing negativity is easy when replacing it with positivity and gratefulness. Gratefulness makes you happier and helps you in attracting more happiness and goodness from the universe.

1.8 Talk about your real feeling

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Many of us don’t talk about how we feel in real life as we all don’t trust anyone who could understand us. But you need to talk about how you feel because that will let us Open up and make us find a solution to it. There are many things that we can’t share with everyone but there is also one person with whom we want to open our hearts and talk about all the happening. Not just to find a solution but also to find someone who can handle and protect us in those situations.

1.9 Is Help needed?  Go on ask for it

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Need help go on asking for it from the one person whom you trust truly and who can understand you. Because sometimes something disturbs and distracts us in a way that we can’t even understand what we need at that time. Go on bringing out all the negative experiences inside you. Asking for help is not an unrealistic thing, it’s just that we aren’t able to fight alone. We need someone who can encourage us towards positivity by removing all the negativity from us.

1.10 Finding humor

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Life is too hard to be happy but finding humor in life makes it easy. If we think much about the hardship it makes us feel the suffering more. But finding good humor in life makes life easy and makes us feel happy. Seeing humor in every situation makes you feel less stressed and free which also shows you that mistakes are made by human beings but not intentionally, which further connects you with yourself and helps in forgiving yourself for your mistakes.

1.11 Eyes on the success

Ways to Cultivate Self Love
Ways to Cultivate Self Love

Keeping your eye on success will make you stronger and more motivated. Because success alone is the best motivator who shows you the paths to achieve it through different directions. Negative time also teaches us many different things that we forget on the way to success which are the necessary things. So just promise yourself today that you will always love yourself first, which will work as miracles for your lives.

2. Conclusion

Always remember that you are loved by the people who are there with you even in the negative situation who are there to support you whenever you are down. Loving yourself first will work as a miracle in your life. Self-love is one of the most important feelings in life which we forget somewhere in reach of love. Love starts entering your life the moment you start loving yourself in the first place on your priority list.

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