To keep a relationship healthy, first, you have to know what is a healthy relationship and what are those things that can make it toxic. First thing first, A healthy relationship forms when two people, despite their differences, accept each other as they are, and love and respect each other for who they are. Their bond becomes strong day by day, little by little. On top of knowing ways to keep relationship healthy can make your relationship more stronger and beautiful.
There’s nothing more beautiful than when two people face obstacles together, and fight together to keep their bond stronger. But unfortunately, not everyone understands that and that’s why it becomes toxic. If you’re in a relationship, always be in a relationship where your partner appreciates you for who you are. Now the thing that we need to know is how to keep a relationship healthy. Here are some ways to have a healthy relationship.
“Remove toxic people from your life and you will free up space to have a healthy relationship”
1. First of all, know what’s toxic and what’s not

Don’t be a fool, who is blindly in love. Accept it and don’t be in denial. If your partner does something toxic or borderline toxic, don’t wait for it to happen twice in order to correct it. Say it immediately.
2. Being vulnerable is a part of a healthy relationship

It does not make you or your partner weak. Expressing without any inhibition is a beautiful thing. It just means that you and your partner trust each other more than anything and accept each other.
3. Give time to each other

Yeah, I can understand that nowadays everyone’s busy with their regular life. Office, meetings, deadlines, friends, and so on. These are the things that keep us busy every day. But, spend some quality time with each other every day. Because priority matters.
4. Communication is the master key

No matter what happened, don’t sleep it off. Talk with each other. Make the other person understand what is the real issue. You guys are two different people so it is very normal to have different opinions about many things. Just sit together, talk it out, and make it clear. Be cool, be calm.
5. Appreciate the little things that he/she has done for you

Think about those times when your partner woke up early just to make you breakfast because you had an early meeting and those times when you were sick for days and your partner took care of you constantly without any complaints.
6. Love, respect and appreciate each other’s choices

You guys are not each other’s twins. So, it is completely natural to want different things in life, to have different opinions about different topics, and to love and like different movies, songs, books, and so on. Yeah, jokes with each other, like Batman vs. Superman or this movie vs that movie or this fictional character vs that fictional character. But don’t say things like “you don’t know anything” or don’t disrespect each other’s choices. Because, remember, you were his/her choice too!
7. Respect each other, just as a human being

Compliment each other for what he/she has done for you. You don’t have to show it off but make him/her understand that you’re appreciating the other person. Don’t be sexist and say things like “You are a girl, it’s easy for you” or “You are a guy, you are supposed to do that”. Everyone’s different, despite their gender.
8. Don’t let the insecurities come in your life

No matter what happens, or what complications you guys are facing, don’t make insecurity an added issue. Love each other that much so that you won’t have time for it to come.
9. Don’t judge each other

Accept that you both guys have a past. That’s what makes you, you today. And your partner fell in love with that “you” and vice versa. You were not in his/her shoes, so you don’t know what the other person was dealing with. Don’t criticize because society has taught you that this should happen, and this should not, this is normal and that is not. Don’t judge based on the so-called society’s scale.
10. Don’t control your partner and don’t be controlled by your partner

Remember, you both are equal in a relationship. So there should not be any part of controlling or dominating in your relationship. Domination in a relationship is not healthy. It’s not fifty shades of grey, it’s real life. Be realistic.
11. Express yourself freely and fully

Say what you feel openly and freely. Your partner can’t read your mind. He/she is not telepathic. You have to tell exactly what you are feeling. Argue, cry, or do whatever, but don’t just sit back and wait for him to catch up. Don’t just give hints to him to make him understand. Talk freely. Don’t be silent to keep the circumstances peaceful.
12. Be Comfortable with Eachother

Be 100% comfortable with each other so that you can say and do anything to the other person without being judged.
13. Don’t be over Possessive

A little jealousy is okay in a relationship but not too much. If you can’t trust your partner, then there must be something wrong with your relationship. No relationship can go on with distrust and lack of faith.
14. Accept the other person just as they are

If you can’t, then don’t be in that relationship and wait for the other person to change for you. IT WON’T AND SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.
15. Don’t pretend

Don’t make yourself look like someone that you’re not. Trust me, you won’t be happy and satisfied and the relationship won’t last. The right person will love you for who you are, no matter what!
16. Rejoice together

Try to create those moments again that made you fall in love with your partner. Rejoice them.
17. Do something small and silly things together

Every day or every other day. It does not matter. Like making breakfast together, enjoy the rain together. Watch some silly movie that is not so good per content but has a lot of memories. Trust me guys, it will be memorable.
18. Surprise your partner

Everyone loves surprises! Do something step by step, like a treasure hunt. To keep it thrilling and adventurous.
19. Don’t be materialistic

Yeah, you got that right. Now, I am not saying that you can not gift each other something or something. But yeah, don’t be dependent on it. Gift each other your time, something that is made by you. It will have your personal touch.
20. Try Something New

Do something new together that you both haven’t done before. Make a memory that will remain forever with only your partner.
21. Don’t Blame Each other
Don’t say things like “You can’t wear this or that”. Appreciate her choices. Let her/him wear or do new things, and let your partner explore new things too. He/has a life too. Support each other even in the toughest situations when you’re facing the hardest obstacles in life. Love each other. Remember, good times will come and go, good health won’t remain forever but your love is everlasting.

Don’t expect your partner to be completely perfect. No one is perfect. So it is normal to make mistakes now and then. Try to correct it just by pointing it out. Have mutual control over each other. To have and to maintain a healthy relationship, first don’t rush things. Get to know each other in your own pace. Give as much time as you need.
Remember, every relationship is unique and different in its own way. Yours, too. Don’t try to make it look like some other ‘ideal’ relationship. Know your similarities and differences and the good sides and the bad sides. And even if after knowing all that, you can accept him/her for who they are and love and respect your partner, then get going. Another thing is that, don’t lower your standard for anyone, not even for someone whom you love too much. You’re who you are.
Don’t try to change yourself just because the other person feels like it’s not up to his/her standard. If you think, you need to change for yourself, then it’s okay. But not for anyone else. Love but don’t be blind in love.
Another thing is don’t let anyone have the power to dominate you or to question your self-worth. You are lovely, you are unique, you are you. Be happy with that. The love and respect between a couple should be mutual. It should go both ways. Otherwise, it won’t last.
Don’t give him/her time to make the same mistake twice to correct it. They will think it’s okay to do it and no matter how many times they do it, you will accept.
Believe in yourself, believe in love. Everything will happen at the right time. Be happy, stay happy, fall in love, and explore yourself! You will live once so make it count!
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