Are you looking for “Ways to keep your Girlfriend Happy”? It feels very awesome when you are in love and feel passionate about your girlfriend but only feeling is not enough you have to express your feelings also, here we have come up with “21 ways to keep your girlfriend happy with 3 little words”.
Now, when you are in a relationship you get feeling like invincible and infallible. You began to look forward to every morning the reason behind this is those beautiful moments that you will get to spend with your girlfriend. She seems your world to you, she has the power to set your heart on fire because you know she is the one.
She is the one without whom you can’t imagine the rest of your life. She starts to become your first priority, and she takes a special place in your heart.
It is said that when men are in love they cannot do justice with their words and that too especially when they are with their beloved women. In order to maintain a good amount of romance in your relationship, Dude! You have to start expressing your feelings in words. When you learn this lesson quickly it will be better for your relationship.
There exist many relationships that broke up just because there was a lack of romance in a relationship. Women are thirsty for love and romance. (Women) needs love in the same way a fish needs water to survive. Here the list begins
1. I Miss You

Well not be shocked, I miss you is number one on my list because saying I love you have become common nowadays. So you need to stand apart from the crowd. When you tell your woman that you are missing her, she feels so special and loved. Just say like, Hey Babe! Missing you badly.
2. Made My Life

When you tell her that she is all you need. You need to show her that she has all the medicine for your every problem. You can express this as ” You have got all the solutions to my problems and made my life so beautiful”.
3. Not Possible without you

When you express to her that it’s very hard to live a moment without her and you really can’t resist without her, she will be happy and feel wanted. Just say like, A day without you makes me feel like a year and even when I am with you I feel like a day becomes a second.
4. I Love You

It’s not that outdated after all, it’s the right words for the feeling you have for your loved ones. Any woman can fly up in the sky after hearing these three words. You have to use them correctly and bring some creativity to your communication skills.
5. Kiss Me Babe

When you take this come ahead and say these three words to her, she loves it and also loves to be cuddled sometime. When you are best in this job, Man! You are on the right track.
6. You are “G.O.A.T”

A woman just needs to hear this from their boyfriend, and they become happy with the thought that they are her lifeline. You are the greatest of all time, as she wants to give you the happiness of the world so you can also say this to her.
7. Good morning, Sweety

These are the words that can blow a woman’s heart in the morning time. She just needs to feel your lips on her ears and your husky voice saying “Good morning, Sweety”.
8. You are beautiful

Loving your woman is a different thing but you also have to embrace her beauty. You can just say that, your smile always makes me skip the beat of my heart. You are beautiful.
9. Thinking of you

It doesn’t matter how busy you get with your work or anything you have to express your feelings for your beloved one constantly. You just have to say, Lady! Busy as hell but not getting resisted of you and I am thinking of you all day long.
10. Everything reminds you

When you have expressed the idea that you think of her all day long then the next thing you need to tell her is that every work and everything reminds you of her.
11. My Lucky Charm

By saying these words which I mentioned above you can give your girl hope that she is the charm you needed in your life. Quote the words like ” You made my life beautiful and not only thus you are my lucky charm”.
12. You Made Me Awesome

Since the day you entered my life, I started to build a feeling to become a better person. I don’t have any idea what would have i done if you didn’t come to me.
13. Die with you

When you plan for the future, it excites women, and they feel good. Say that, I want to be with you and grow old with you. Not only this I want to grow old with you and kiss you every morning.
14. Life Without You

Sometimes you have to be a bit more romantic to your loved one and point out their importance. So, You can say as “It’s true that I can survive without but I don’t want it without you. Even I don’t want a life without you.
15. My Precious Gift

You can put your feelings into the words like, God have given me a great gift for my goodness because you are the precious gift for me. I thank god for this gift.
16. I’m with you

Can’t wait to hold you in my arms and feel the moment because when I’m with you, nothing wrong can happen. JUST stay by my side and we will make it together.
17. You mean Home

The most special words you can say to make your girlfriend happy are these three words. Just say ” You mean my home to me, my home is where you are”.
18. I am a Believer

I never used to believe in love but after you have come into my life, I started to believe in love. I just love the way you take care of me and make me love this is called true love.
19. You are Rainbow

When I will be asked to describe all the colors you represent, my answer will be a rainbow because you have many colors that lie in your beauty, magic, and treasure.
20. Nothing like you

People love all the stars in the sky but I love my stars which reside in your eyes. Trust me there’s nothing like you that can make my day.
21. My Heart Race

You have the power to make my heart start racing with just only one blink of your eyes. Trust me when you do so my heart starts racing.
You can apply these quotes as per your situation and timing so that you can create a great environment. Remember to express your feelings to her every day. So these are 21 ways to keep your girlfriend happy with 3 little words, you can use them.
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