21 Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend?

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend?

21 Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend?

You’re displeased. You’re not sure. Clearly, we comprehend. You never seem to be able to obtain a girlfriend, but everyone else always appears to be able to. Do you have a health issue? Are you making a mistake? Are you focusing on the incorrect places? No, then you must know ‘Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend?

There’s a purpose behind everything and it makes sense when it comes to why you are having trouble finding a sweetheart. Have you ever wondered by seeing your friends that you wish could also have a soulmate who would get you all the love or someone you can spend your time with? But what are things that make you different from others in getting a girlfriend?

We want to get into this subject today. We want to start by taking a look at some potential causes for your difficulty in finding someone special. We will reveal various 21 reasons why you are not getting a girlfriend, so you can make a move to roll out positive improvements.

1. Making over attempts

Guys generally give after one attempt or take too long for attempting twice. Don’t do so, keep trying repeatedly, and don’t let the rejection fear you. Try not to give the sheer dread of dismissal a chance to prevent you from getting a pleasant sweetheart.

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Consider it from the young lady’s viewpoint for a moment. Perhaps she needs a brief period to get used to you? Give it a possibility by asking her again in a week or thereabouts and you might conceivably be agreeably astonished.

2. Making Excessively Demands

If you’ve set your imagination at such a high point, like those of Victoria Mystery magazines and they have painted an impossible vision of the ideal young lady for you in your mind. Then having too many set highlights or attributes is going to set you up to fall flat.

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

This is the time for you to open your psyche and get genuine. Venture outside your usual range of familiarity and take a second look at a young lady that doesn’t accommodate your ideal picture.

3. Under Societal Pressure

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Many boys do not have the guts to go against their parent’s will or society. Caste, creed, and religion are some major issues. Especially if the guy is in the same hometown as his parents, it becomes difficult to hang out with a girl. Having a girlfriend is after all a big taboo in our society.

4. You live in your parent’s shell

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Girls like independent men who can bear their own expenses. They don’t like dating a kid who is not settled yet and has no aims or goals in the future. If you are still dependent on your parents, then it is hard that a girl will get attracted to you.

5. You are too Good

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

If you are just a too nice guy, it doesn’t matter to girls for a long. They need some exceptional energy level, madness, and entertainment in you. Quit being excessively pleasant and you have an opportunity.

6. Cleanliness Issues

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Amongst 21 reasons why you are not getting a girlfriend, one could be this. If you have any sort of cleanliness issues, you will never get a sweetheart. Awful breath, messy garments, and oily hair are awful news. Most of the girls are very particular about cleanliness and representation. They don’t give a second chance to such issues which will not make them comfortable in getting close to you.

7. Don’t let your weaknesses act as a burden

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Everybody has things which they don’t care about themselves and a few things simply should be acknowledged or changed. Perhaps you’ve lost your hair, so you will need to simply get over that one. In any case, if you are overweight, you can make changes to get more fit and get upbeat.

Everybody has imperfections and that is no reason not to have a sweetheart, except if obviously, you let it act as a burden.

8. Trying always to be perfect

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Mostly girls get attracted to guys who aren’t perfect. This is so because perfect guys put pressure upon the girl about the perfects. Girls like to be themselves, independent and free souls. This feeling of perfection starts letting her think that she is somewhat less as compared to her men.

9. Anticipating that the lady should make the principal move

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Obviously, there are times when a young lady starts the first move yet that is far few in the middle. In all actuality, most of the lady’s inclined toward a man to make the primary move, and in the event that he lacks such guts to do that, she will simply proceed onward.

10. You seems to be lost in the crowd

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

If you happen to be the person that spends time with prominent and overly attractive tough men, you will be toward the end of the pecking request. So, if the men around you are more attractive than you, they are sparkling more brilliant and your sweet identity will never be seen as significantly less esteemed. Girls will keep an eye on your friend and you will disappear in the crowd.

11. You feel shy to socialize

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

It becomes very difficult for an introverted guy to get a girlfriend because he is not active in socializing, which is the main spot for girls to hang out. You get to know them and can find your choices and varieties amongst them.

12. You are still stuck on your past

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Don’t get obstructed by your past mistakes and choices for having new relationships. Things don’t work out sometimes but sometimes it does at well. Learn from your past and don’t run away from it.

13. You complain in every small thing

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

If you are always complaining about your life and acts as a de-motivational element, you should change it to positive thinking. None of the girls would want a crybaby as his boyfriend. Girls don’t find this attitude attractive at all.

14. You don’t have manners to ask a girl for a date

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Girls like boys with etiquette and manners. If you are trying to force them or acting over-smart, she would make excuses to run from you. Don’t be too eager, have some patience and show some maturity like a gentleman.

15. You are too workaholic

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

This one is an easy decision. On the off chance that you are working insane hours and not willing to set aside a few minutes for dating a girl, you will never have one. Tragically, there are a few men that pick their vocation over having a sweetheart, and at last, they are left with nothing. So, try to prioritize both things equally because everything has a proper time to happen.

16. Good looks don’t make you a good human

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

For girls, it is very important that their men are good human beings with whom they can see their future further and introduce them to their parents. Girls make sure that boys are not harsh or cruel to them and give respect to women. They judge them by their mentality, lifestyle, and brought-up even their daily habits. Every small thing like a way of talking matters a lot for a girl.

17. You assume girls are not interested in you

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Most of the guys assume before trying that this girl is not their cup of tea. You should never judge a book by its cover. Maybe the girl is interested in you and waiting for your response. You should not underestimate yourself because girls choices differ. At least giving it one try is a must.

18. Looks does matter

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Sorry to say, but the looks don’t matter doesn’t seem to fit perfectly in reality. Girls usually check out boys by considering their looks first. It is important to them how the men groom up and represent themselves. They like men who are conscious of themselves. Ladies do think about looks and that is something you must stick into your pipe and smoke it.

19. No Cash Potential

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

There is no uncertainty that cash draws the sweet young ladies in since cash is the thing that numerous girls need. Girls like guys who are monetarily secure, they desire to go out to movies or a pleasant dinner date, and long drives. It would be a bonus for you if you can get them for mini vacations and long drives or gift them expensive jewelry.

20. You are always on a repeat mode

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Doing the same thing every time makes losing your interest in the girl. Girls are always demanding and adventurous. They like trying up new things so it’s important that guys don’t do things always in their comfort zone. Going out of the league and doing something unusual and extraordinary is what all the girls want.

21. You are too needy

Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend
Reasons Why you are not getting a Girlfriend

Girls don’t want dependent men. They like bold men who are confident and put their girls first. They like guys who are efficient in making decisions and dealing with situations. They don’t want cowardly men who step backward in the hurdles.

Now it’s time to stop assuming and start thinking about the actualities by making some experiments and changes in you. These 21 reasons why you are not getting a girlfriend will surely help you identify your problem.

After all who doesn’t want to be loved in their life and this is a must-have experience. You can get your soulmate to share your quality time and have fun by following these tips so go ahead.

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